The poets` room


Hoffmann lived with his wife Mischa since September1808 in Zinkenwörth Nr. 56 (Nonnenbrücke 10). On May 1st 1809 he moved to the former court trumpeter Kaspar Warmuth, Zinkenwörth Nr. 50 (Schillerplatz 26).  In his diary he noted: „New pleasant apartment with a wonderful view on mountain and valley, also a poets’ room!!“

Hoffmann does not reveal anything about the interior. In 1810 he puts the following remark in his alter egos mouth, having the conductor Johannes Kreisler say: „My landlord’s tomcat is right next to my window (it goes without saying that my musical-poetic laboratory is an attic), his neighbour’s cat, with whom he has been in love since March, whining up the chromatic scale, tender confessions”.

On April 21st, 1813 at 6 a. m., Hoffmann left Bamberg  in the direction of Dresden.

Carl Friedrich Kunz mentions in 1837 the „hole in the ceiling leading to the upper bedroom“. It served Hoffmann „not only for conversation with his wife, but also for all sorts of funny suprises, which he prepared for her, i.e. by hanging a long towel or throwing down a pair of boots and things like this“. The actual purpose was to allow the warm air to reach the top.